He's never shown an iota of interest in any kind of work. 他从来没有对任何工作表现出一点儿兴趣。
Had Jamie ever been in any kind of trouble? 杰米遇到过什么麻烦吗?
They hurled defiant taunts at the riot police, who responded in kind. 他们向防暴警察挑衅大骂,防暴警察同样回骂他们。
Inflation and the shortage of banknotes has forced factories to pay their workers in kind. 通货膨胀和纸币短缺使工厂不得不以实物抵付工人的工资。
The new administration has its work cut out for it. Creating jobs in this kind of environment is not going to be easy 新一届政府面临重重困难。在这种环境下创造就业机会绝非易事。
They paid their taxes in kind. 他们以实物交税。
Farmers often like to pay their bills in kind. 农民往往愿用实物抵账。
They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
You can't compare them& there is a fundamental difference in kind. 你无法对它们进行比较&它们基本上是不同性质的东西。
When he had no money, the farmer sometimes used to pay me in kind. 那个农民没有现款时,有时会给我些东西抵账。
I like her in a kind, but she is ugly. 我有点喜欢她,但她长得丑。
He is a scholar in a kind. 就某种意义上说,他是个学者。
The unearthed cultural relic Yuzhulong, which is bright and clean in its quality ahd strange in modelling, has been found the basis in kind for the totem sign of the Chinese people. 出土文物玉猪龙、玉质光洁,造型奇异,为中华民族的图腾标志找到了实物依据。
The friendship between the friends has been strengthened in this kind of atmosphere. 朋友间的友谊就在这样的氛围中加深了。
Since then, Hudyma claims Moscow, has insisted on paying cash instead of providing payment in kind. 哈迪马说,2006年之后,俄罗斯就坚持用现金来支付,而不再用实物作为支付手段。
They differ in degree but not in kind. 他们不是性质不同而是成分不同。
In this kind of relationship, Company A would become the integration partner of Company B. 在这种关系中,A公司将成为B公司的集成伙伴。
A change in motion of one mandates that the other respond in kind. 如果一个在运转中发生了变化,则要求另一个作出相应的反应。
We have given assistance, both in kind and in cash, to countries hit by earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters, and sent out medical and rescue teams for humanitarian relief on many occasions. 我们向发生地震、海啸等灾害的国家积极捐资捐物,并派遣多支医疗队和救援队赴当地实施人道救助。
In other words, if someone sends you an emoji, why not reply in kind? 换句话说,如果有人给你发了个emoji表情符,为什么不回他一个?
The danger is that Beijing will feel obliged to respond in kind. 美方这类举动可能招致危险,因为北京方面将感到有必要作出回应。
The history of getting dressed is in large part a story of borrowing combat garb cravat and cardigan, bomber jacket and pea coat but the proliferation of the army green jacket is different in kind and in degree. 着装史在很大程度上是借鉴战斗服装的过程,比如领巾和羊毛衫、短夹克和双排扣海军短大衣,但是这一次,军绿外套的大量出现在种类和程度上都不同于以往。
Similarly, we should not assume that men and women's working hours are the same in kind. 同样,我们也不能以为男性和女性工作时间的性质相同。
Tom Bowen, assistant principal, says the head-teacher often addresses pupils in Mandarin outside lessons and expects them to respond in kind. 该校副校长汤姆•鲍恩(TomBowen)说,校长在课外的时候经常用汉语与学生交流,并希望他们同样用汉语回答。
Recently, despite its own losses and sufferings in earthquakes, China has sent rescue teams to New Zealand and Japan, as well as offering them assistance in cash and in kind. 最近,中国尽管自身也遭受了地震灾害,但我们仍然派出救援队奔赴新西兰、日本抗震救灾,并提供现汇和物资援助。
Otherwise the normal human life runs to its normal end in kind of dignified movement and procession. 否则,常人将以体面的运动和进程走向既定的终点。
China has repeatedly said it would respond to American shows of military might in kind. 中国一再表示,将对美国可能进行的武力炫耀予以同样的回应。
Sponsors can pay in cash, in kind, or both. 赞助商可以通过现金支付或者通过服务支付,也可以两种手段并用。
There are people whom the harder you try to please, the less they reciprocate in kind. 对于有些人,你越想努力使他们高兴,他们越不能以友好态度回报你。